Dr. 杰西·康拉德·弗莱彻


杰西·康拉德·弗莱彻出生于4月9日, 1931, 在圣安东尼奥, 德州, 致保险主管杰西·N. 弗莱彻和露比·阿诺德·弗莱彻. 在圣安东尼奥的公立学校上学后, Jesse graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in 1948 where he had been senior class vice president, 校报的总编辑, 全国荣誉协会的成员, 还参加了高尔夫球队.

高中毕业后,杰西进入了德州农学院 & M大学,工商管理专业. 在1952年获得工商管理学士学位之前, 他以领袖的身份而出名, 学员军团的中校, 优等生,两年的高尔夫运动优等生. 在他本科四年级在A & M, he was licensed to preach and ordained to the ministry by Manor Baptist Church of San Antonio.

在被任命为美国陆军少尉后.S. 1952年的陆军预备队, Jesse enrolled in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned both a master of divinity degree and a doctor of philosophy degree. 他的研究生课程包括在斯洛克姆堡的牧师学校学习, 纽约, 休斯顿德州医学中心的宗教研究所, 以及里士满大学.

In August of 1953, he was introduced to Dorothy Jordan, and after one blind date, he proposed. 第二年二月,他们结婚了.

在他念神学院的时候, 1953年至1955年,他担任Wellborn Baptist Church的牧师, 从1955年到1957年在科佩尔浸信会教堂工作. He held teaching posts at Southwestern Seminary and the University of 德州 from 1957-1960, 在那里他坐着汤斯圣经椅.

1960年,博士. Fletcher began his career with the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. 他在董事会的15年里, he occupied several important administrative positions before his resignation in 1975 as the director of the mission support division. 在董事会任职期间, he traveled extensively through many of the countries where Southern Baptist foreign missionaries serve to gain insight into personnel needs and a greater understanding of mission work and missionaries.

From 1975 to 1977, Jesse served as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Knoxville, Tennessee. It was from this pastorate that Jesse came to HSU to assume office as the 12th president of Hardin-Simmons大学.

1977年至1991年,他担任Hardin-Simmons公司总裁, 1991年至2001年担任校长, 自2001年起担任名誉主席.

Fletcher has served as president of the Southwestern Seminary national alumni organization, 作为金门浸信会神学院的受托人, 并当选为浸信会世界联盟总理事会成员. 他被评为西南神学院的杰出校友, 获得了俄亥俄州里奥格兰德学院的荣誉文学博士学位, and was elected to preach the convention sermon at the 1978 Southern Baptist Convention in Atlanta, 乔治亚州. 2002年8月,他接受了德克萨斯州浸信会总会的乔治·W. 特鲁特宗教自由奖.

While in Richmond, Fletcher began a writing career that has produced 10 books to date. 他的书, 中国的比尔·华莱士, 1963年出版的, went into 10 hardback printings plus numerous foreign editions before coming out in paperback in conjunction with a movie filmed in 1968. 这本书于1995年在浸信会经典丛书中再版. In 1994, 弗莱彻的历史, 美南浸信会, 是为了纪念该面额的一百周年而出版的吗.

一位公认的浸礼会历史学家, 弗莱彻曾在西南神学院教授教会历史课程, Hardin-Simmons大学, 和伯特利学院. He has spoken and published for endowed lectureships and seminars at Baylor University, 俄克拉何马浸会大学, 金门神学院, 西南神学院和阿比林基督教大学. 除了, 他为时事通讯写了许多文章, 报纸, 期刊及学术期刊.

在他担任PG电子游戏校长的14年间, Fletcher led the institution to reorganize into a university academic structure and to establish and endow schools in 教育, 神学与护理学. 其他亮点包括增加七个新设施和许多翻新, 四倍捐赠基金, 显著提高教师工资和入学率. He also led the institution into the NCAA’s Division Three athletic programs including football in 1989. 在他担任财政大臣的10年里, 弗莱彻曾在洛格斯登神学院担任教授, 辅助开发工作, 并在众多学术和社区角色中代表大学.

在同一时期, Jesse was chairman of the Board of Ministers Life of Minneapolis (now a subsidiary of Minnesota Mutual), was president and a key force in organizing the NCAA Division I Trans America Athletic Conference (now the Atlantic Sun Conference), 也是阿比林校际护理学院的首任院长.

Jesse has been president and campaign director of Abilene’s United Way; vice chairman and founding director of the 社区 Foundation of Abilene; co-chairman of Abilene Choosing Tomorrow Now (a city planning group); chairman of the Abilene Chamber of Commerce; vice chairman of the 军事 Affairs Committee; was twice interim director of the G比赛 Museum as well as chairman of the board of that widely respected institution and currently is immediate past president and a founding director of the Abilene Psychiatric Center.

社区 honors include the Abilene United Way’s Volunteer Service Award in 1997, 1999年获格蕾丝博物馆秋季慈善奖, Volunteer Fund Raiser of the Year by the National Society of Fund Raising Executives in 2000, 以及2001年精神健康协会颁发的杰出服务奖. 2002年,他被商会评为阿比林年度公民.

In 1997, 杰西开始画画, 加入阿比林著名艺术家的工作室, 伊芙琳Niblo, 他在哪里专注于风景画油画. His paintings have been shown in Abilene at the G比赛 Museums, the Center for Contemporary Art, St. 约翰学校和美国国家银行. His work also has been exhibited in the Breckenridge Fine Arts Museum in Breckenridge, 德州. Many of his vibrant representations of landscapes are in the hands of corporate and private collectors. 除了是一名风景画家, 杰西是个狂热的高尔夫球手, 业余天文学家, 他还持有商业飞行员执照.

Jesse and Dorothy have two children, Jordan Scott of Lubbock and Melissa Dupree of Abilene. 弗莱彻夫妇有五个孙子.

Jesse’s 14-year term as president of Hardin-Simmons大学 represents the second-longest presidency of HSU, 仅次于J.D. Sandefer的31年任期. He has been called a visionary whose influence spans into the realms of business, 教育, 宗教, 以及公民义务. 杰西谈到了PG电子游戏的成功, “我觉得上帝关心这项努力的未来, 我时常高举在他面前.“我们感谢他为PG电子官方免费下载祈祷, 他对这所大学的奉献和热爱, 最重要的是他对上帝的忠诚.

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons大学 to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 杰西·康拉德·弗莱彻 into the HSU 领袖堂.